6 Creative Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids

If you are a working parent, it will be tough for you to spend meaningful time with your kids. However, there are many different ways to spend memorable moments with your little ones.

Always spend some time with your family

Here are 6 creative ways to spend time with your kids:

  1. Make Use of Those Moments When you are waiting at a red signal, make use of those few moments to talk to your little one. Tell him or her how much you love them. Or, just reach across and give them a tickle and tweak their noses.

  2. Be There at Bedtime When your kids retire to bed, be there to dress them in their PJs and supervise their teeth brushing routine. Use this time to find out how their day was and what is planned for the next day.

  3. Keep 10 Minutes Aside When you return from work, instead of trying to prepare the meal or check your emails, set aside 10 minutes every day for your kids. Give all your attention to your children and ask them about their day.

    Use these 10 minutes meaningfully and you can even throw in a short pillow fight. You will feel rejuvenated after this!

  4. Get Your Kids to Help You Children love to do adult things, as get them to help you while preparing dinner, folding the laundry or turning down the beds for the night.

  5. Have Dinner Together Make it a point the whole family sits together and eats dinner every day. This will allow you to spend time with your kids, and find out what is happening in their lives.

  6. Give Your Kids Your Attention If your kids want to speak to you, give them your undivided attention. Most parents often say in they’ll listen to kids in five minutes and then get busy with what they are doing, forgetting everything.

    You should stop what you are doing and let them know they have your attention for five whole minutes.

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About Pacific Preschool & Kindergarten

Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten is one-of-a-kind preschool and child care center in San Marcos, California. Their goal is to provide an early childhood education program to little children so that it satisfies their physical, socio-emotional and child development needs in a progressive way. Lynda Way, the owner of Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten, makes use of her 40 years of professional knowledge in childhood development and truly loves what she does.

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2 Comments for 6 Creative Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids

  1. Caleb

    These are things parents should be doing everyday with their children. Thank you for sharing this list.

  2. Jackie

    What a lovely post.
    Numbers 3 and 6 are so easy to do but fall by the wayside in many homes.
    Ten minutes quality time is better than one hour of time spent in the same room as the children but not concentrating on them.
    The ipad has a lot to answer to!
    Thank you