Welcome to our Kindergarten! Each year is fun-filled and exciting for us! We hope this year will be even more delightful and happening for children, teachers, and parents alike.


FORMS AVAILABILITY DATES March 2 (Mon.) – March 13 (Fri.)
Families who are currently enrolled including siblings in our program can get Priority status forms at our front desk.
FORMS RETURNING DEADLINE March 13 (Friday)                        
REGISTRATION DEADLINE March 14 (Saturday)                        

Registrations received after the deadline will lose their priority “entry date”, and will be placed according to your 2015 Registration Fee payment date.

It is our intent to make the Pre-Registration procedure as fair and easy as possible! For that reason, we have established a priority status, based upon your DATE OF ENTRANCE INTO PACIFIC PRESCHOOL.

If we need to “break a tie” for a particular opening, we will use the date of your ORIGINAL REGISTRATION PAYMENT!

Siblings? The ENTRANCE DATE for your first child in the program will apply for siblings also. However, siblings must be pre-registered by the March deadline pre-ceding the session in which you wish entry.

If we need to “break a tie”, the entering sibling’s date of registration payment will be used to determine priority status!

(This does make it important for you to Pre-Register your siblings as soon as possible.)

We look forward to a smooth pre-registration with “no-rush, no-fuss”…

Much appreciation for your cooperation!

Please talk to Miss Emily or Miss Cynthia if you have any questions.

As we plan for the next year, you may also receive


Kindergarten Board

Pre-K Children Going on to Kindergarten:

We are planning for the Summer/Fall 2015. Please complete the “Pre-K End of the Year” and let us know which option listed below you will be choosing:

  1. Leaving at the End of Summer Session (August)

  2. Leaving at the End of Fall/Spring Session (June)

  3. Attending PPS for Our Kindergarten/Early 5 Program in the Fall

If you plan on moving into our Kindergarten program just for the summer, please complete a Summer Registration Form.

Kindergarten Students Leaving Pacific Preschool:

We are planning for our Summer/Fall 2015. Please complete the “Kindergarten End of the Year” Form and let us know which option listed below you will be choosing:

  1. Leaving at the end of Summer Session (August)

  2. Leaving at the end of Fall/Spring Session (June)

To help us plan for the next year, please return the forms mentioned above once you receive them.

Thank you!

Posted in Announcement

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