Storytime: How to Make Your Child a Book Fanatic

Children’s books can teach a kid a lot about the world around them but it’s not always easy to get your child to like books when it comes to story time.

Here are some ways to get your preschooler involved in books and reading:

  • Engage Your ChildLittle girl engaged in reading a book

    It may sound self-evident but engaging your child during storytime will play a tremendous role in how much your child likes to read when he is older.

    During story time, find a way to get them involved in the story. Have them ring a bell on your cue or have them act out one of the characters. Make an interactive game out of storytime so your child understands how much fun reading books can really be.

  • Ask QuestionsMother asking questions to her child from a book

    One of the best ways to ensure that your child enjoys reading is to challenge them to repeat the material back to you and then find a way to make a game out of it. Play pretend. Ask them what they think of the characters and if they can come up with anything to mimic their favorite character.

    The deeper they fall into the world of fairy tales and make believe the more content they will be with letting their imagination run wild.

  • Reward System

    Another way to encourage reading in children is to have a reward system. Every time they read a book or a page or even a paragraph aloud, give them a star. Make a chart and hang it on the refrigerator. Across the top, write the date. At various intervals, indicate rewards, such as a hot fudge sundae.

    If children know they have something yummy waiting for them in the end, they will feel compelled to zip through book after book. Space out the rewards so that they need to work harder for the next one!

About Pacific Preschool & Kindergarten

Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten is one-of-a-kind preschool and child care center in San Marcos, California. Their goal is to provide an early childhood education program to little children so that it satisfies their physical, socio-emotional and child development needs in a progressive way. Lynda Way, the owner of Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten, makes use of her 40 years of professional knowledge in childhood development and truly loves what she does.

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