How to Help Your Child Stay Organized and Complete the Task

Staying organized starts at a young age. It’s essential to teach your children the importance of completing work in a timely, organized, and understandable manner. Whether it be school work or a simple task at home, it is important you help him or her in laying out the ground rules for how to complete a task or project.

child stay organized

Here are some tips that will help your child stay organized and complete a task on time:

Getting Organized

The first thing your child should do when presented with a task is get organized. This means going to the place where the project needs to be completed, gathering all of the necessary tools to complete the project and arranging them in the most efficient way possible. Even if your child does not master this right away, he or she will learn.

Staying on the Task

Once your child has gotten organized, they need to begin working on the project to the exclusion of all else. This means that they need to learn how to ignore distractions and to stay focused on exactly what needs to be done. Help your child in learning how to stay focused by allowing them to take a break when they are halfway through.

Breaking the Task into Smaller Steps

Breaking a task into smaller tasks will make it less overwhelming for the child. Break their school projects or any household chores into small steps that they can easily manage. For example, if you want them to prepare for the next morning, ask them to pack their school bag first, then arrange their school uniform, shoes, etc.

Creating a Checklist of the Steps Involved in the Task

Ask your child to make a checklist of the things that need to be done to complete a task. They can keep this list with them and check off the things which they go on completing.

Completing the Task

There are many steps to completing a task. Perhaps the two most involved aspects of completing a task are organization and the finishing touches. Once your child has completed the task, encourage him or her to double check their work. Next, he or she needs to put away all of the tools that they gathered in the organization stage, in an organized fashion. Only after the finishing touches have been applied is the project complete.

Here is an example of how to help your child complete a task:

Suppose you ask your child to help you paint the garage. The first thing he or she would do is help you in getting organized, collecting the paint, brushes, drop cloth, and whatever else that is needed to complete the project. Next, help him or her in staying on task and working at painting the garage until it is complete. Taking a break here and there is okay as long as you can teach your child to keep the end goal in sight. Lastly, clean up!

Your child will be pleased with their work, and you will be happy to know that they can complete a task fully.

About Pacific Preschool & Kindergarten

Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten is one-of-a-kind preschool and child care center in San Marcos, California. Their goal is to provide an early childhood education program to little children so that it satisfies their physical, socio-emotional and child development needs in a progressive way. Lynda Way, the owner of Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten, makes use of her 40 years of professional knowledge in childhood development and truly loves what she does.

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