How to Guide Your Child onto the Path of Assertiveness

Teaching your children manners and how to behave in school and social situations is an important part of being a parent. However, one thing that many parents simply don’t teach their children is how to be assertive. It’s a skill that really means a lot as children get older and it will serve them well in their late teen and adult years as they enter high school, college and the workforce. Use these tips to put your kids on the path to assertiveness.Girl writing

  • Be a good role model for your children. As a parent, you teach by example in a lot of cases, particularly with skills and character traits that aren’t quite as tangible. Show your kids how to express what they want by doing it yourself. Of course, you’ll need to make sure your children know when it’s appropriate to be assertive and when it isn’t or they may model your behavior in the wrong situations.

  • Tell your children to speak up when they want something. Don’t make your kids feel bad for being shy, but make sure they have a comfortable environment to say what they want instead.

  • Show your kids that it’s okay to be assertive in social situations. Examples include asking for a refill on their water out to lunch. There’s a difference between being assertive and being rude, so make sure your child understands. Remember, a request can still be assertive without sounding aggressive.

  • Don’t punish your child’s personality. If your child is naturally shy and reserved it may be difficult for them to be assertive. Don’t punish them – work with them instead to become more assertive over time, even if it doesn’t happen overnight. They’ll get it if you continue to work with them in a positive, open manner.

About Pacific Preschool & Kindergarten

Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten is one-of-a-kind preschool and child care center in San Marcos, California. Their goal is to provide an early childhood education program to little children so that it satisfies their physical, socio-emotional and child development needs in a progressive way. Lynda Way, the owner of Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten, makes use of her 40 years of professional knowledge in childhood development and truly loves what she does.

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